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A range of Functional Skill / Personal and Social Development and SEN resources : E1 - L1




A range of Functional Skill / Personal and Social Development and SEN resources : E1 - L1
Health and Wellbeing workbook

Health and Wellbeing workbook

This workbook is designed to discuss and allow young people to analyse their own wellbeing and develop actions plans to improve it. Activities allow for group discussions, individual research, setting targets and reviewing progress. The booklet is designed to cover 4 lessons, each one being around 45 mins to 1 hour - this includes time to share ideas and discussions. Learning outcomes covered are: Lesson 1 learning outcomes • Assess own health and wellbeing and create 2 personal targets linked to improving own health and wellbeing Lesson 2 Learning outcomes • Develop an action plan (to do list) of things you can do daily to help improve your health/ wellbeing • Analyse a range of methods used to de-escalate and improve mood Lesson 3 Learning outcomes • Review daily checklist used to improve wellbeing • Identify a range of things that make us healthy • Research 3 facilities you could access, linked to improving your health Lesson 4 Learning outcomes • Review daily checklist used to improve wellbeing • Re-Asses own health and wellbeing and justify how and why results differed from assessment 1 • Review health and wellbeing targets set on ILP
City And Guilds Unit 525: Drugs Awareness

City And Guilds Unit 525: Drugs Awareness

This unit workbook meets the entire unit, totaling 30 GLH and covers the following criteria at Level 2: 1.1 describe what a drug is 1.2 give examples of legal drugs 1.3 give examples of illegal drugs. 2.1 describe the differences between the classifications of drugs 2.2 identify a drug from each classification. 3.1 describe the effects of drug misuse. 4.1 impact – on self and others. 5.1 identify where you can obtain information for treatment and support to help overcome drug misuse. The workbook guides you and the students through the criteria and involves activities such as creating leaflets, researching organisations and filling in tables.
Enrichment / Sport review

Enrichment / Sport review

This resource is a 1 hour review lesson resource allowing learners to reflect on enrichment / sport sessions. The resource is designed to allow the first 3 entries to be completed before the lesson : What the sport is, who they work with and the personal target they will work on. They then have the opportunity after the lesson to give the peer they worked with some feedback if you require a word version, please contact me direct after purchase. Thanks for looking / purchasing
Independent Travel workbook

Independent Travel workbook

This 15 page workbook covers the following criteria for 18 GLH (based on 6 weeks of 3 hour lessons) State what does independence mean List areas of your life could involve independence Self-assess yourself to state how confident you are How would it benefit you / others to be independent in each area stated above State ways you could travel in your local area State where you could go if you could use each method of transport (from above) independently State ways you could stay safe when travelling by ___________ Develop a crisis plan – in the event of…. lan a journey between __________ and _____________ Independent travel reflection This workbook has been edited so you can change it and repeat page 5 to use for multiple methods of transport. I did create some Kahoot quizes for the 4 methods of transport i used - car, bus, train and walk, so if you would like these, please ask in the review section once purchased!? the last 3 pages are the same piece of work but differentiated, so you can choose which one / all 3 to use in lesson, depending on the level of your learners. Thanks for looking / buying.
Equality and Diversity lesson

Equality and Diversity lesson

Included - 8 slide powerpoint guiding you through lesson objectives and lesson plan and points you to where to complete work on the worksheet. - (presentation is basic white background to allow you to change as needed) + 3 page resource allowing for group discussion and individual written work / assessment. Resource is based on a 90 minute lesson allowing learners to discuss the meaning of the terms - E&D, identify how to deal with different scenarios and be inclusive in own life - also included is a discussion around E&D linked to work ( what is wrong with different job titles) Resource is in PDF but available in word format - message directly prior to purchase
PSD - Healthy Eating workbook

PSD - Healthy Eating workbook

This 12 page Healthy Eating workbook holds over 30 hours of guided learning. Outcomes met are: Identify the main food groups Describe how each food group helps your body stay healthy Explain why a balanced diet is important in leading a healthy lifestyle Demonstrate an understanding of healthy and unhealthy foods Plan a healthy meal for a teenager Plan and make a healthy meal - shopping list included. Recommended foods for certain groups of people - elderly, child, professional athlete
BTEC Unit 10 - Taking part in Exercise and Fitness

BTEC Unit 10 - Taking part in Exercise and Fitness

A 23 page workbook for Unit BTEC Unit 10 Taking Part in Exercise and Fitness. Worbook includes assignment brief and learner declaration. plus all summative assessment evidence sheets. Learning Outcomes covered are: 1.1 Describe different exercise and fitness activities 1.2 Identify different exercise and fitness facilities 2.1 Describe an induction process for an exercise and fitness activity 2.2 Describe warm-up and cool-down activities 3.1 Actively participate in exercise and fitness activities and demonstrate: • time management skills • appropriate dress for the activity • following instructions provided by the activity leader • following health and safety guidelines before, during and after activities 4.1 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in exercise and fitness activities 4.2 Suggest ways of improving own performance in one activity
PSD - Healthy Living Workbook

PSD - Healthy Living Workbook

This workbook contains 18 pages and over 50 hours of guided learning. Unit outcomes met in this workbook are: Identify healthy and unhealthy activities Identify healthy and unhealthy elements of your own life (Alcohol, diet, drugs, sleeping habits, personal hygiene, personal relationships, physical activity, practising safer sex etc. Prepare a poster to inform others of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle As a group discuss what is meant by personal hygiene. List below problems that are caused by lack of personal hygiene What affects can personal hygiene has on a person’s wellbeing Gather a range of leaflets about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and contraception. Design your own leaflet, explaining how important safer sex is it ensuring sexual health Think about your current lifestyle - Make a list of things you could do to help you improve your personal wellbeing. Now pick 3 of these off your list that you can work on for the next 4 weeks Review of your healthy lifestyle action plans - Went well, did not go well, could be improved
Managing Own Money workbook

Managing Own Money workbook

This 11 page workbook holds around 30 hours of guided learning Based on the ASDAN unit - managing own money. Criteria covered is: Make a list of your regular income and expenditure Research the different current accounts, savings accounts and personal loans available from at least three different organisations and produce a leaflet on their current account and savings account Identify the most suitable option for you in each of the following situations *State at least 6 different methods of paying for goods Show that you know how to purchase a variety of items (at least two) using different methods of payment
City and Guilds - Unit 401 (L1) Planning for Progression workbook

City and Guilds - Unit 401 (L1) Planning for Progression workbook

City and Guilds - Unit 401 Planning for Progression workbook A comprehensive 19 page workbook that tracks, skills, qualities, achievement and targets for learning. Outcomes met: 3. The learner will recognise personal strengths (skills, qualities and attitudes) needed for learning and work Assessment Criteria 3.1 Identify positive qualities and attitudes needed for study and work 3.2 Outline his/her own personal strengths 3.3 Give an example of something related to learning and work that he/she felt good about and something he/she feels confident doing The learner will action plan for self improvement Assessment Criteria 4.1 Identify areas for improvement 4.2 Identify realistic targets 4.3 Prepare an action plan or contract to meet targets 4.4 Identify arrangements for reviewing progress
Self Assessment Work book

Self Assessment Work book

A 10 week / short intervention workbook designed to allow young people to self assess their skills and qualities in: Communication Working with others Setting and achieving goals Managing Feelings Confidence Job Searching This workbook naturally allows young people plot results, set targets to improve areas and detail how and why they think they have improved a perfect step by step guide to help track unaccredited progress meeting RARPA guidelines
BTEC Worskills: Unit 74 - Developing Personal Skills for Leadership

BTEC Worskills: Unit 74 - Developing Personal Skills for Leadership

The unit powerpoint is within this pack and guides you through the worksheets and includes screenshots of worksheets so you know which ones to use. The order of these may need changing depending on the length of your sessions. Powerpoint inclused some ideas for starters and links to youtube clips to analyse leaders. Only thing not included is the unit assignment brief and formative and summative assessment sheets, as these were not made by me. All worksheets within this pack cover the criteria for Unit 74: Start the unit with the ‘Guess the Leader’ document / starter activity. 1.1 Describe the main features of leadership Start with the ‘1.1 Features of a Leader’ worksheet Then complete ‘1.1 Describe features’ Then complete document titled ‘1.1 and 1.2’ (This ‘1.1 and 1.2’ worksheet is accompanied by the ‘Scenarios’ document, which needs cutting up and handing out so students can assign a feature of leadership to each scenario and then discuss) 1.2 Describe how own skills and qualities relate to the main features of leadership - on this document i have made reference to a ‘Self assessment’ which is a seperate worbook available to buy within my shop, but you can remove this column from this worksheet. On this same workskeet, it asks you for ‘strengths observed by others’ - ask students to complete the ‘communication map’. worksheet and you can use a ‘BTEC Observation record sheet’ to document their feedback. 2.1 Describe the range of skills that can be used to lead others 2.2 Describe how own leadership skills can be put into practice in order to lead others 3.1 Select a suitable activity to demonstrate leadership skills 3.2 Explain how the selected activity will enable demonstration of an appropriate range of skills.
Project learning workbook

Project learning workbook

A workbook designed to guide young people through a project / work placement. Identifying their ideal job, qualities and skills and evidence of the tasks they carry out. Could be mapped to any qualification linked to: Contributing to the Community Community Project Work Trial Work Experience
Tutorial workbook

Tutorial workbook

This resource allows young people to track their own: Attendance Weekly progress / achievements 121 meeting notes including action points